

The requirements for this chapter:

  • todoList.addTodo should ADD objects
  • todoList.changeTodo should CHANGE the todoText property
  • todoList.toggleCompleted should CHANGE the completed property

This section will also cover Booleans, which is a representation of true or false.


Right now we are adding todos as text. We are going to change this, so that addTodo will add objects, instead of text to our todo array.

Using objects instead of text (i.e. item 1 etc.) in our array will give us the ability to represent more complicated data.

This is an example of the object structure we will use to replace the current todos array:

  todoText: 'item 1',
  completed: false // Boolean true or false

Go to Plunker and open the script.js file in the PJS-V3 plunk, where we will make the following changes:


var todoList = {
  todos: ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3'],
  displayTodos: function() {
    console.log(`My Todos: ${this.todos}`);
  addTodo: function(todo) {


var todoList = {
  todos: [],  // Removed original item contents
  displayTodos: function() {
    console.log(`My Todos: ${this.todos}`);
  addTodo: function(todoText) { // Changed todo to todoText
    this.todos.push({ // Changed from todo paramater to todoText object
      todoText: todoText // todoText property name (left) and todoText parameter
      completed: false // completed property name (left) and oolean default to false

Test the new todos object in Plunker:

> todoList.displayTodos();
My Todos:

> todoList.addTodo('new todo item');
My Todos: [object Object]

> todoList.todos;
[ { todoText: 'new todo item', completed: false } ]


Now, we need to modify the changeTodo method, so that it changes just the todoText property on each todo object.

Remember, the addTodo method now adds objects to our array, and those objects have two properties (todoText and completed).

Go to Plunker and open the script.js file in the PJS-V3 plunk and make the following changes:


changeTodo: function(position, newValue) {
    this.todos[position] = newValue;


changeTodo: function(position, todoText) { // Change newValue to todoText
    this.todos[position].todoText = todoText;

Test the modified changeTodo method in Plunker:

> todoList.todos;
[ { todoText: 'new todo item', completed: false } ]

> todoList.changeTodo(0, 'changed todo item');
My Todos: [object Object]

> todoList.todos;
[ { todoText: 'changed todo item', completed: false } ]


Now, we need to add a method called toggleCompleted that changes the value of the completed property, which is a boolean value (true or false).

Aside example of a boolean variable:

> var johnBoolean = false;

> johnBoolean

> !johnBoolean

// Flipped (using the ! bang operator)
// The original value of the variable is now true
> johnBoolean = !johnBoolean 

> johnBoolean

This is a brand new method, so there is no before snapshot.

toggleCompleted: function(position) {
  var todo = this.todos[position];
  todo.completed = !todo.completed;

Now, our script.js file should mirror the following:

var todoList = {
  todos: [],
  displayTodos: function() {
    console.log(`My Todos: ${this.todos}`);
  addTodo: function(todoText) {
      todoText: todoText,
      completed: false
  changeTodo: function(position, todoText) {
    this.todos[position].todoText = todoText;
  deleteTodo: function(position) {
    this.todos.splice(position, 1);
  toggleCompleted: function(position) {
    var todo = this.todos[position];
    todo.completed = !todo.completed;

Test the new toggleCompleted method in Plunker:

> todoList.addTodo('1st todo item');
My Todos: [object Object]

> todoList.addTodo('2nd todo item');
My Todos: [object Object],[object Object]

> todoList.todos;
[ { todoText: '1st todo item', completed: false },
  { todoText: '2nd todo item', completed: false } ]

// Changed index 1 to completed
> todoList.toggleCompleted(1);

> todoList.todos;
[ { todoText: '1st todo item', completed: false },
  { todoText: '2nd todo item', completed: true } ]


We changed the structure of the array to be an array of objects, rather than an array of just text.

We modified our changeTodo method so that it only changes the todo text properties on each todo object.

We learned about booleans and how to take the opposite of a boolean value in our toggleCompleted method.
