
Objects are used in JavaScript to group related data and functions together.

Example of an object related to my computer.

// Example object data with 3-properties
operatingSystem mac
screenSize 15 inches
purchaseYear 2015

// Above data transformed into JS object
// Assign the JS object to a variable (i.e. myComputer)
// Property: 'value',
// No ending comma needed after the last property value
// End the object notation with a semi-colon
> var myComputer {
    operatingSystem: 'mac',
    screenSize: '15 inches',
    purchaseYear: 2015

> myComputer
{operatingSystem: "mac", screenSize: "15 inches", purchaseYear: 2015}

// Use dot notation to get a specific property value
> myComputer.operatingSystem

> myComputer.screenSize
"15 inches"

> myComputer.purchaseYear

Objects and Functions

There is a relationship between objects and functions.
Note, you can actually place functions on objects.

Example, using an object that refers to itself, using this.

  • this

Note, there is no need to use the function name (i.e. function sayName() etc.), because the function shown below knows to use the sayName property as the function name.

> var john = {
    name: 'John',
    sayName: function() {
      console.log(`Hi, ${this.name}`);

> john.sayName();
Hi, John

To recap the example above…

We have a JS object set to the variable name john with two properties:

  • name - set to text
  • sayName - set to a function that prints the name from our object. It is refering to that object as this (i.e. john).

Remember, when used in a function that is sitting on an object (this) will refer to the object itself. So, in the example, this is refering to the john object, and uses .name to access the property on the object. Thus, this.name will equal the value John.

This pattern of putting a function on an object is a very common practice. It is so common, that there is a name for this, it’s called a METHOD.

A METHOD is simply a property that is equal to a function.

In our example above, sayName is actually a METHOD on the john object.

Lastly, when you have a function on an object, you do not have to give it a name, because the way the function is called is with the property name.

This is referred to as an ANONYMOUS FUNCTION.


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